دليل الكويت أخبار السوق

مقشر القهوة للوجه برائحة اللافندر الإنجليزي - 100 غم / جويز

Coffee face scrub brightens your skin, making it feel beautiful, youthful and soft

- Organic roasted coffee is filled with anti-oxidants to brighten your skin
- Himalayan pink rock salt tones the skin and tightens it
- Cold-pressed coconut oil enriches skin, leaving it soft and hydrated
- Almond oil scrubs away dry, dead and flaky skin leaving your complexion smooth
- Brown sugar scrubs away dead skin cells and makes way for healthier glowing skin to develop
- Vitamin E softens and moisturises your skin
- Olive and avocado oils provide needed nutrients to your pores and treat acne

How to use:
- Get your skin wet
- Scrub for two minutes and then wash off
- Can be used to smoothen your skin before wearing makeup

مشابهه لـ مقشر القهوة للوجه برائحة اللافندر الإنجليزي - 100 غم / جويز