سار كيك
شركة الخليج لصناعة المعجنات سار كيك SARA CAKE حلويات , كيك . Established in 1988, Gulf Pastries Manufacturing Co. specializes in the making and distribution of an extensive range of bakery products both fresh & frozen under the leading and trusted SARA cake brand name. The SARA cake brand products are made with only the highest quality all natural ingredients, which include no artificial flavors or colors to fit todays healthy lifestyle interests. Our stringent quality standards have also resulted in us being awarded HACCP, ISO 9002 and CENTCOM certifications. Our Philosophy is to become a global leader with our promise to the consumer of products you can trust for taste and quality. أفرع سار كيك فرع
محافظة مبارك الكبير - سار كيك صبحان
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