النوخذة : عقارات واراضي : شركات المقاولات و الانشاءات : Kuwait International Industrial Laboratory Inspection & Radiation Services Co W.L.L. KIL Kuwait International Industrial Laboratory Inspection & Radiation Services Co W.L.L. KIL
Kuwait International Industrial Laboratory Inspection & Radiation Services Co W.L.L. (KIL) is a multi faced professionally staffed Kuwaiti Company specializing in Metallurgical,Chemical and Destructive and Non destructive testing for materials post weld heat treatment by using electricity as source of heating for stress relieving of weld joints and diesel fuel as source of heating for stress relieving for pressure vessels. Kuwait International Industrial Laboratory Inspection & Radiation Services Co W.L.L. (KIL) is a multi faced professionally staffed Kuwaiti Company specializing in Metallurgical,Chemical and Destructive and Non destructive testing for materials post weld heat treatment by using electricity as source of heating for stress relieving of weld joints and diesel fuel as source of heating for stress relieving for pressure vessels. أفرع Kuwait International Industrial Laboratory Inspection & Radiation Services Co W.L.L. KIL فرع
محافظة الأحمدى - Kuwait International Industrial Laboratory Inspection & Radiation Services Co W.L.L. KIL الاحمدي
العنوان: ahmadi CBK st
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