الجمعية الكويتية لمكافحة التدخين والسرطان
Kuwait Society for the anti-smoking and cancerالهاتف: 22530186 تعليقات (4)
اريد الساعدة للقلاع عن التخين
فؤاد عطااود اﻻقلاع عن التدخين
Mohammedفهل من مساعده طبيه المعاملة: Dear Sir After fourteen years now (1999-2013), I got full explanation about how all cancer types started inside human or animal cells and how can be stopped. In above time, I studied some special medicinal herbs that used by my people for many generations, this was for three years only (1999-2002). At 2003, I extracted a good treatment from above herbs. I tested this treatment for more than five years (2003-2008) for more than 25 different diseases of about 3500 patients, one of them are patients of different cancer types. Incredible Results of my above treatment gave me a good idea how to find the reasons of all cancer types. I submitted this idea for getting UK patent from UK IP office at 4/5/2009. From 2009 to 2013 I got good evidences lead to get full explanation of how cancer start and how can treated it. I understand that you may not believe me so I send you my C.V. which show you what I did! The fact of this life is that there are seven main issues, scientists for more than three thousands years ago could not know what they are or how to solve them; Diabetes, cancer, Blood pressure and heart problems, black holes, dinosaurs disappearing, climate problems and different viruses! According to my C.V., I explained and gave a solution for six of these issues. Furthermore, I got good evidences for explaining viruses and how to stop them. In fact, for the last hundred years, Scientists believed that diabetes is unsolved disease, I solve it and I gave the right treatment for it. In addition, I give the right explanation for the light which is differ than all modern theories specially Einstein theories. I think if the world was depended on my explanation rather than modern theories, it may reach more than what it have now. This because that my explanation depended on experimental tests while modern theories were depended on mathematical relations. However, I did additional good researches as you can read from my attached C.V. Until few months ago, scientists have one explanation about climate issues which is caused by carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. In contrast of this, I published two researches explained that human being are the reason of global warming and other climate issues. In addition, I finished the third research about climate as you can read in my C.V. and it is under publishing process now. Before few weeks, United Nations report about climate indicated that human beings are the reason of all climate issues as I mentioned in my researches in contrast with what scientists believed. I send you this message because of two reasons; firstly I do not want submitting my cancer\'s research to UK IP office (patent office) or other offices because of what I saw from them of illegal actions before. Secondly, I do not want publish my cancer\'s research because what I shall get from this? and the fact is that I want changing my life depending on this research. I should tell you that I can explain actions inside the body of all cancer drugs and known treatment such as my treatment. Before few days, I heard that when intelligence increase happiness will decrease. Jealousy took and taking to much from my life and my health so I need changing my life by my research. Thank you Alaa Al-Darraji Science College كل الشكر والتقدير الي القادمين للجمعية ولكن راجعت مكافحه التدخين بالقادسيه مرتين وفعلا تم الاقلاع علي التدخين لمده 6 شهور وبعد الفتره هذه رجعت الي الطبيب فقال خلاص لا نستطيع ان نعالجك فقلت له شكرًا. هل هذا قرار الجمعية أما هذا اجتهاد شخصي من الطبيب
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